1. Birth Registration Certificate.
2. Transfer Certificate and Marks Sheet of class last attended.
3. Photocopy of PAN
4. Proof of Residence Address
5. Certificate(s) of achievements of the child (if any)
6. Photocopy of the Aadhar Card of the student.
We declare that
1. 1.We have carefully read the rules, regulations & procedures mentioned here in the application form and are desirous of getting our child/ward educated in the School. We and our ward shall follow all the rules, regulations & procedures laid down by the school from time to time. The school reserves the right to strike off the name of my child or suspend / bar him from attending class if there is any violation of these at any time and all decisions of the administration of the school shall be final and binding on us and our ward.
2. 2.We understand that children while running, playing or commuting may get physically injured/hurt, over which the school may not have control and that school will not be liable for such incidents.
3. We understand that the school is a place where discipline is very important and the school has to take some measures to enforce discipline. We shall abide by the decisions and actions of the school in the matter of discipline.
A. The School shall not be responsible for
a) A deliberate or intentional act done by the student which may results in death or injury to his/her health?
b) Any injury to the student on account of accident or mishap on account of any kind of rash and negligent act including driving of motor vehicle by himself or vehicle carrying him/her and driven by some one else.
c) Any injury caused to the student due to the act of nature or otherwise during normal course of his/her studying or attending the school.
d) The student bunking from the school and thereafter watching movie, joining, associating or mixing with antisocial elements, drugs traffickers and thereby invoking the provision of I.P.C. and Cr.P.c.
e) If the student, out of despair and disgust, injures or tries to injure him / her-self.
f) Any natural or manmade mishap or untoward happening takes place during picnic, outing, educational tours travels, sightseeing, school functions and alike.
g) Sustaining injury or loss of life and property on account of an acts of indiscipline or quarrel amongst students inside and outside the school.
h) Any secret meeting with the student by any one of parent or divorced spouse , in the school premises or outside while enroute to /fro school and .
B. Our ward shall
i) Adhere to the Dress Code norms or if (s)he keeps his/herself hair untidy or peculiar style unbecoming of a student, the school authority shall have right to dress up his/her hair according to school norms.
j) Not wear any makeup viz.: nail polish, lipstick, perfume, eyelashes, hair coloring, jewellary etc.
C. We understand that
k) We shall pay school fees in advance as per the schedule on the fee card/via other modes as informed by the school, latest by 10th of the each indicated month, failing which a fine of Rs. 30/- per delay day will be charged after the due date. In case fee is not deposited by the 30th of due month, student will not be allowed to attend the school and the school will be at liberty to presume that (s)he has deserted the school. Readmission may be granted at the discretion of the Principal on payment of admission fee along with all arrears of fees and fines.
l) We have to make satisfactory arrangements for remittance of school fees within due dates without waiting for a reminder from school.
m) The School fee for one ensuing academic session as notified by the School shall be payable by the parent irrespective of admission / withdrawal/ vacation/ absence of the child on any date or for any period of days and there shall be no refund or discount on the same under any circumstance.
n) Pupils will not be allowed to sit for examinations unless all dues are up to date.
o) The school reserves the right to stop the result of our ward in case the school fee is pending.
p) The school provides conveyance as an additional facility for convenience of the parents but it is not obligatory for the school to provide the same.
q) The conveyance is provided in limited areas with limited stops. It will not be obligatory on the part of the school authorities to make new bus stops. It will be the sole responsibility of the parent to escort the pupil to and from the respective bus stop.
r) The Conveyance fee is charged in four installments and must be paid as notified by the School.
s) The conveyance fee is non refundable and payable in full irrespective of withdrawal of the child or non usage by the child on any date or for any period.
t) The ‘School Fee’ is “tuition fee” which is charged for a course of study that may be in a mode as appropriate according to time and circumstances. A certificate for the payment of ‘Tuition Fee’ will be provided to parents for the amount paid towards ' School Fee’.
u) The School does not charge for any other activity unless the same is conducted after/before school hours and/or outsourced and voluntarily opted by student/parent.
v) Income of the parents should be sufficient to pay the School Fee.
w) We shall be liable to pay for any damages done to the school property by our child or his/her group of friends with him/her being present there. If there are any damages in the class/labs etc and a particular child is not identified then the whole class will be liable to pay the cost of the damage/loss. In case we fail to reimburse the damage to school property, the same be credited from caution money deposited with the school and we shall top-up the same to keep our child continuing in the next academic session.
x) The date of birth, spellings of name of child, father, mother given in this form, Birth Certificate, Mark sheet, Transfer Certificate are correct and we shall not make any request for change in future.
y) The Registration fee is payable at the time of submission registration form and is nonrefundable.
z) The School is a Mainstream School and is able to handle the learning deficiencies only. For other kinds of disabilities, parents are advised to enroll their child in a Special School.
D. We shall:
aa) Visit the school whenever called by the Principal/Class teacher/Subject teacher.
ab) Maintain dignity and decorum while interacting with the Principal/Class teacher/Subject teacher and any other staff.
ac) Not make derogatory remarks/statements against Management/ Administration, Principal and Staff of the school.
ad) We hereby put our signatures to confirm the above declarations.
Please bring the original documents to be verified at the time of submission of the photocopies.