Bhiwani Public School

Sector - 14, Bhiwani (Haryana) - 127021
01664 - 256550, 07056020202 |

Registration Form

Note: All '*' marked fields are mandatory. Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.

Sibling Details (only real brother / sister currently studying in this school)    


Application Form Information


Student Details


Correspondence Address


Permanent Address (Check this box if Correspondence Address & Permanent Address are the same.)


Father's Details


Mother's Detail


Guardian's Details



I (Name)Father/mother of (name of the child) hereby declare that the information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any information is found false or incorrect on verification, the admission of my ward may be cancelled at any stage & we will not claim any refund of dues deposited.We hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the school, which are in vogue and/or are liable to change from time to time.

Please bring the original documents to be verified at the time of submission of the photocopies.

I Agree