Opposite Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara-Waghodia Road, Vadodara-391760
7574833670, 7574833661

Note: All '*' marked fields are mandatory. Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.

Job Information


Personal Information


Communication Address


Permanent Address (Check this box if Communication Address & Permanent Address are the same.)


Family Information (Children Information)


Academic/Profesional Qualification
Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.

Qualification Main Subjects School/College Board/University Year of Passing Percentage of Marks Division
High School/10th*
Post Graduation
M Phil.
Any Other

Work Experience (From Latest To Oldest) I'm Fresher

Name of Organization * From * To * Subjects(if teacher) * Class(if teacher) * Other Responsibilties *

Total Experience


Current Job Information


Proficiency In Languages


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(file size not more than 500 KB)


(file size not more than 200 KB)



I, the applicant, state that all information given above is true and correct. I understand that submission of the Application Form is a preliminary step in the selection of teachers at
Avalon World School, Waghodia and does not guarantee a job. I agree to abide by all decisions taken by the school management.

I Agree