Sardar Patel Vidyalaya


Class IX online application from is closed for the academic year 2025-26

  Admission Open for Class IX (2025-26)

Application Form is available online.
Please read all instructions carefully before clicking on the link to fill the online Application which will be activated on 4th January 2025, at 12:00 Noon..

  Online Application Process

✽ Read instructions carefully.
✽ Fill the Form.
✽ Once the form is filled, take a printout of the Receipt immediately.
✽ Deposit Registration and Processing fee of Rs. 750/- only (ONLINE) as prompted, immediately after filling the form.
✽ For any technical assistance required during filling of the form, email at with your details and phone number.

  General Instructions

The admission process has three steps :
   1. Filling of Form : Online through the website :
   2. Written Test (Offline) : Details are given. Please note dates and timings.
  3. In-person Interaction for Short-listed student : On the basis of merit list drawn post the written Test (As given in pt. 2) students and their parents would be invited for a personal interaction. Kindly note the date for the list to be published on website.
✽ After the interaction only, further short listed candidates in order of merit will be offered admission.
      In case, there are more applicants with the same points than seats, a draw of lots will be conducted.
✽ At the scheduled time of interaction, you would be required to show original documents of all self attested copies uploaded with the registration form.
✽ Admission will be valid only if all the applicable fees and charges are paid in full by the prescribed date, along with necessary documents, certificates and on completion of all admission formalities.
✽ Once admission is accepted by payment of Vidyalaya Fees and other charges, no amount/fees (except Caution Money) will be refunded.
✽ Offer of admission does not mean an automatic allocation/availability of seat in the Vidyalaya's bus services.
✽ Request for relocation of the bus stop or extension/diversion in the bus route will not be entertained.
✽ In any matter regarding admission, its process or the formalities, the decision of the Principal of the Vidyalaya will be final.
✽ The vacancies for class IX for the academic session 2025-26 are 28 (This is subject to actual number of vacancies available).
✽ For any queries (other than technical) regarding filling of the form, email to the Vidyalaya at