I understand
that incomplete application form will not be
I affirm to
abide by the rules & regulations laid down or
amended by the authorities of the School.
I hereby
confirm that the details in this form are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I have read and understood both the options of
school fee payment as described on page
no. 18to 21 of the prospectus and I agree to opt the following- (मैंने प्रॉस्पेक्टस के
पृष्ठ संख्या 18 से 21 तक वर्णित विद्यालय शुल्क भुगतान के दोनों विकल्पों को पढ़ और समझ
लिया है और मैं निम्नलिखित को चुनने के लिए सहमत हूं-)
Actual full contribution per Annum. (प्रति वर्ष वास्तविक शिक्षा सहयोग राशि)
Symbolic (minimum) contribution per Annum. (प्रति वर्ष प्रतीकात्मक (न्यूनतम) शिक्षा
सहयोग राशि)