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Steel Plant, Sector VIII, Ukkunagaram, Visakhapatnam - 530032
+91 - (0891) 2510686
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Register by entering the information mentioned below
Please read all instructions carefully before filling the Online Registration Form.
We recommend that you use Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser for filling this form.
Filling up this form does not guarantee admission of your child. Admission is strictly as per the policy formulated based on MERIT and NO DONATIONS ACCEPTED.
You would be required to upload certain documents in the Documents stage. Kindly have soft copies of the following documents ready before starting to fill the form.
The intimation for assessment / observation / interaction / interview / Admission Confirmation will be notified via Email / SMS.
For those seeking admission in Nursery/Preparatory, the original birth certificate issued by the municipal corporation needs to be produced for verification at the time of admission. A photo copy of the same is to be submitted for school record.
For wards of VSP Employees, a proof certificate from Personnel Dptt. Is to be submitted.
Students seeking admission in classes IX & X must produce a pass certificate in third language from their previous school.
If belonging to SC/ST/OBC category, a certificate for the same should be submitted at the time of admission.
Other than class Nursery & Prep no admission is complete until Transfer Certificate in original form, from the last school is produced. The certificate should be countersigned by the Education Officer in case of non CBSE or inter state transfer.
Attested Photocopies of certificates for proficiency in Games, CCA, other outstanding achievements and Report cards of the last three years are to be produced at the time of registration.
You would need access to Debit / Credit Card, Net Banking, etc. to make payment online.
An acknowledgement Email will be generated on successful payment, with details filled in by you and a “Registration No” corresponding to the Applicant will also be generated, which is to be used for any further communication with the school.
The Admission Fee Payment Link will be sent to you via Email / SMS to PAY FEE ONLINE.
Sibling (Real Brother/Sister) only studying in same school
Is Corresponding & Permanent Address same?
I know that registration fee is non-refundable and I fully understand that registration is no binding for admission. It may be given only when a suitable vacancy exists & child's performance in the test is satisfactory as per school norms.
In case my child's is admitted in the school, I shall make my own arrangement for inoculation against typhoid, cholera & vaccination against small pox my child from year to year.
My child shall take part in all activities/functions of the school as deemed fit.
I have made careful note of various details regarding the payment of school fees. I have made satisfactory arrangement for remittance of school fees within due dates without waiting for reminder from the school.
I hereby certify that the date of birth & spelling of the name of my child given in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and I shall not make any request for the change.
I hereby certify that in case I do not claim the caution money paid by me for a period of three years after my word(s) leave(s) the school, the amount may be treated as donation to the school and my right over the refund of the amount will stand relinquished by me.
I understand that rendering false or misleading information or with holding correct information may disqualify the child for admission/education at this school.
Having read carefully the rules, regulation & procedures laid down in the school prospectus and being desirous of having my child/ward educated in Delhi Public School, Visakhapatnam, I hereby agree to abide by them in all respects. I understand that the decision of the principal shall be final & binding on me.
I hereby certify that my ward & myself shall follow all the rules, regulations & procedures laid down by the school from time to time.
I certify that I am bonafide guardian of the child (strike if off in not required).
I put my signature to confirm the above declarations.
I Agree