Candy Floss Preschool

  1. 117/492, Opposite J.K Temple, Pandu Nagar, Kanpur


  3. 0512-2217633, 8400733733,7318400323

  4. Powered By

Registration Form

Register by entering the information mentioned below

  • Instructions
  • Student And Parent Details
  • Complete


A self attested copy of the last Report Card of the previous school if applicable.

A self attested copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation.

Copy of the caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC Category.


Parents must read the school prospectus in detail.

The registration form must be filled in neatly and correctly and submitted in the school office well in time as per instructions given by the office.

Minimum age for admission as on 1 April 2024 for Class Play Group 1 is 2 years and 6 months and a difference of one year for each subsequent class.

This registration form is valid only for the session in which it has been obtained.

Once registration is done, parents along with the child will be called to the school for an informal interaction with the Principal on the date given by the office. Further admission procedure will be as instructed by the admission office.

Parents are required to submit a self attested copy of the original Birth Certificate of their ward issued by the Municipal Corporation along with this form. Originals must NOT be submitted but will have to be produced for verification at the time of interaction.

There will be an 'Orientation Programme’’ for the newly admitted children and their parents before the start of the session. The children's orientation programme will begin sometime after mid-March.

Fee once deposited is not refundable/transferable under any circumstances.

Date of birth cannot be altered once admitted.

   I have read and agree to abide by the instructions mentioned above by the authorities of the School.

Student Details:

Step 1 / 3

Sibling (Real Brother/Sister) only studying in same school

File size should not be more than 1 MB.

Real Brother/Sister Studying in Other School

Details of Present School

Father Details:

File size should not be more than 1 MB.

Mother Details:

File size should not be more than 1 MB.

Local Residence Address

Permanent Address:

Is Local Residence Address & Permanent Address same?

Details of Relative/Friends

I Agree


Step 4 / 4

Submitted Successfully

You have successfully submitted your details.


Step 3 / 3

Not Submitted

You have not successfully submitted your details.