Bal Bharti School

CBSE Affiliation #: 530133 | School Code: 40127 | Email:
Telephone: 1800 121 2272 (Toll Free - INDIA) | +91 (01276) 221620 / 21
Address: Delhi Rohtak Corridor, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar - 124507, Haryana, INDIA.

Registration Form (2025-26)

1. All fields marked * (asterisk) are mandatory.
2. The registration form for admission is to be submitted online only. No request shall be entertained at the school campus.
3. Applications with missing or incorrect information will be rejected and the school reserves the right to cancel the admission without prior notice.
4. All documents are to be attested by the parent.
5. Kindly refer to the school website for more updates.

Admission Category

Admission Category:*

Sibling Details

Is sibling (Real Brother/ Sister only) already studying in Bal Bharti School  
Are you submitting application(s) for more than one child? *

Student Details

First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name/Surname*
Date of Birth*
Upload DOB Certificate*
Upload Recent photo of the student (file size not more than 500KB) *
Is your child completely vaccinated?* National immunization Schedule
Blood Group *
Is this the first born child? *
Is Aadhar Card available?*

Correspondence Address/Residence Address

Primary Email Id*
Primary Mobile No.*
Upload Address Proof*

Permanent Address (Check this box if Permanent Address and correspondence Address are the same.)


Parents' Detail

Single parent?*

Additional information required by Government

Documented Name of Student *
Documented Name of Father *
Documented Name of Mother *
Mother Tongue (Language)*
Is your ward a domicile of Haryana?*

Previous School Details

School Name
School Board
Permanent Education No.(PEN) *
School leaving reason
Academic Year
Upload Half Yearly result *

Place of Birth Details

Place of Birth *
City/Village/Town *
Sub-District/Tehsil *
District *
State *
Country *
Pin *

Student Bank Account Details

Does the student have a bank account? *

Additional Details

Is the student specially abled?*
Does the student have any genetic disorder?*
Annual Income of Family *
Religion *
Category *

Residence Geo-Position*

(Please drag the red pin to the exact location of your residence)

Latitude :
Longitude :


I* Father/Mother/Guardian of* do hereby certify that the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any of the above information is found to be untrue/incorrect, this application is liable to be rejected. I shall abide by the decision of school in all matters related to the school.

I Agree